Another confirmation, Windows 10 RTM will debut in July

During April, a statement of the chief executive of AMD, Lisa Su, made headlines stating that Windows 10 will reach RTM status (Release To manufacturesã) at the end of July. This attitude is reinforced by wzór, Russian portal that many times has shed light on real time information prior to their publication.

But why and how could this be true? Microsoft must think along with manufacturers of computers and laptops are being prepared for the autumn season where even start school activity. Microsoft is fighting in September along with higher sales that accompany this season will arrive even Windows 10 in the hands of consumers.

Chinese company, Huawei also confirmed the official debut of a 10-inch tablet, the ThinkPad model 10, in August and will be equipped with Windows 10. The arrival of Windows 10 RTM stage in July will give Microsoft enough time adjust the small problems that can occur between Windows 10-summer and producers. (PCWorld English)

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