TRUMP WINS: Right After Comey “Secret Letter” Was Leaked, Trump Just Fired Back With His Secret Weapon

These last few days have been very tough on President Donald Trump. The media has been working overtime to try and spin a nothing into something and get him impeached.
Today, a new memo allegedly from James Comey’s dinner with President Trump was leaked to the press by FBI agents. According to the memo, Trump asked former Director Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn and Russia.
In theory, this could be a “smoking gun” to impeach Trump on obstruction of justice…If it were the Truth.

Donald Trump decided to set the record straight by releasing his own official statement:

“The President has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the President and Mr. Comey.”

That’s right. Trump’s secret weapon is the TRUTH.
And to prove their point even more, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified just last week to Congress that, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”
The sad part here is that the New York Times, who concocted these allegations, admitted that they never actually saw the memo that they were writing about. They claimed it was “unclassified”, but they still only got word-of-mouth confirmation from an unnamed source. Hmmmm….

Look, if these claims were true, it would be a big deal. However, this is the United States of America where we believe you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
With no hard evidence, like this handwritten memo from James Comey for instance, there is no case here. We gotta share this out before the media’s brainwashing of the American people is complete.

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