After Getting Caught Spying On Trump, Susan Rice Just Got The Worst News Of Her Life!

Apparently, Susan Rice is going to be brought before the House Intelligence Committee to testify – supposedly under oath.

According to the WSJ, Rice is on a list of witnesses that were drawn up as part of the probe into the scandal. House Republicans and Democrats both agreed on the list of 30 witnesses.
Here’s what Rand Paul said:
Earlier on Tuesday, Rice said that she didn’t use the info on Trump’s associates for political reasons. She says that she didn’t leak anything about Mike Flynn.
Here is the woman herself saying that she “didn’t leak nothing to nobody”:

he next questions is who did the leaking. Susan Rice is going to have to answer for the unmasking scandal. Trump is going take all of these people down. Just you wait.
*** SHARE the good news! Get this out there. SHARE it 500,000 times. The mainstream media doesn’t want this getting out. (h/t Zero Hedge)

1 comment:

  1. Don't let these people get away with their crimes. Im Sick of seeing these people that plead the fifth. They get away with there crap like obama and hillary. We know if they plead the 5th then they did wrong. So don't let them get away with it just because they were doing it when working for the government. We need to see those scum bags like Hillary and obama go to jail. They are not above the law. Fire Comey. Get rid of the rest of intelligence agencies heads. Any left from obama regime. Do the investigations on Comey arrest him I bet he will start talking. He is definitely got info we need to hear about obama and hillary. Put obama,in Gbay and force him to talk. Start getting rough use the CIA black ops to get rid of some of these snowflakes they may not like you but they will fear you make them get in line with the administration. They need to learn that all this disrespect and force is gonna force, force upon them.


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