Rapper Snoop Dogg Made SICK New Threat To Trump That Just Backfired On Him BIG TIME

Snoop’s hate for our Commander-in-Chief is no secret as he openly speaks out against Trump and threatens people associated with him. Now he’s gone directly to the source of his despise and with the typical arrogance of a Hollywood elite, he feels that it’s okay to incite violence and encourage assassination attempts on our president. However, he just learned the hard way that’s not acceptable.
Snoop Dogg’s days of making music videos may soon be over after what’s depicted in his most recent rap video. With a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a vintage revolver in his right hand, Snoop fires a shot off at a Donald Trump imposter named “Ronald Klump,” wearing clown makeup, to only further the disrespectful message, American Mirror reports. You don’t have to look too deep into the video to know what the rapper is saying and now Secret Service could be getting involved.
Racist Rapper Made SICK New Threat To Trump But It Just Blew Up In His Face BIG Time
The rapper has now landed himself on authorities’ watch list and could soon be getting a visit from them for promoting the president’s assassination and inciting violence. Others who view this video could easily be “inspired” to want to take the “winning” shot at Trump and forever go down in infamy as a martyr.
Never before has it been acceptable to call for the killing of our Commander-in-Chief as stars seem to believe it is now, who also don’t feel there is a consequence to their criminal actions. What’s particularly dangerous, is that liberals are crazy enough to be motivated by these videos. Now, it’s time to send a new message to all of these degenerates that the rhetoric needs to stop or you can expect a knock at your door from Secret Service who very much take this as an actionable threat at can hold people accountable for it.
Racist Rapper Made SICK New Threat To Trump But It Just Blew Up In His Face BIG Time

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