The Obamas are the worst First Family in American history.
Barack Obama has admitted to doing drugs with his “Choom Gang” and is the worst President of all time. Michelle spends all her time ruining our kids’ school lunches and spending millions on vacations with her daughters. And the Obama kids are an embarrassment – going to drinking parties, and maybe even doing drugs in public.
They are shameful swindlers, wasting your tax dollars on their comfort and profligacy.
But now, a story is going viral that claims the most outrageous waste of taxpayer money by the Obama family.
First Grandma Marian Robinson, 79, will receive a lifetime 160K government pension when she leaves the White House next year, according to congressional budget statements.
According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Mrs. Robinson earned the lifetime pension for “services rendered as full-time/in-home caregiver” for granddaughters Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, during President Obama’s two terms in office.
Michelle Obama’s mom got to live like a queen in the White House, but they are going to pay her $160,000 every year for the rest of her life for babysitting her own granddaughters?
This is the kind of graft and corruption that happens in places like Iraq and North Korea. Michelle Obama’s mom didn’t earn a pension that’s THREE TIMES bigger than the average American family’s income.
It seems that just like Barack, the rest of the Obama’s never had real jobs, and instead of live high on the hog off the backs of regular taxpaying Americans.
Share this story with all your friends and family. We can’t let the Obamas get away with this!

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