AMAZING! The Media Does Not Want You To See What This 11-Year-Old Said About Trump!

This video via an 11-year-old Trump supporter named Jennifer Lawrence shows that the media is full of crap. This interview was taken by the America First Project. This video was recently shared on TenXunXinWen ( News in China but it has never been shared by the media in the U.S.
Isn’t it a shame when the Chinese are doing a better job than our journalists?
Meet Milly. She gave an incredible interview praising Donald Trump.

BREAKING NEWS: Sean Hannity calls Barack Obama “asshole” on live TV. Do you support him? (VIDEO)

Sean Hannity calls Barack Obama “asshole” on live TV. Do you support him? (VIDEO)

We just found out the SICKENING amount of taxpayer dollars Obama spent in 2016 to promote Obamacare!

Please share and comment if you are sickened by this. Former President Barack Obama spent over $77 million taxpayer dollars to promote his failing healthcare plan in his final year in office. What a waste of money. reports: The Obama administration doled out more than $77 million to promote the former president’s signature health care legislation in what could be its final full year of existence, contracts obtained by The Post on Sunday reveal. They show the federal government contracted with Democratic-leaning p.r. firm Weber Shandwick to spend $74.15 million on July 28, 2016, and another $3.69 million on Sept. 9, 2016, promoting the plan. Of that, $64 million funded an advertising blitz — including TV, digital and radio — $4 million went to creative development and production, $5 million to direct response marketing, $2 million to campaign strategy, $1 million to branding and $1.5 million to encourage small business enrollment. An official of the current White House dismissed the Obama administration’s last-ditch efforts to try to swell enrollment numbers. “Tens of millions in hard-earned taxpayer funds spent on TV ads won’t sell a fundamentally flawed approach to health care,” the official told The Post.

Clinton camp met with Russian ambassador during election, Kremlin spokesman says

Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary for Vladimir Putin, says there’s too much “hysteria” surrounding speculation of who met with Russian officials during the 2016 U.S. election cycle.
In fact, Peskov claims, members of the Clinton campaign met with the Russian ambassador during the election, something Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently faced criticism for doing and the issue that led to Gen. Michael Flynn’s firing, although Sessions maintains the talks had nothing to do with the campaign.
The House intelligence committee will hold its first session on Russia on March 20 over allegations of so-called “election interference.”
“Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that she had lots of meetings of that kind,” he said. “There are lots of specialists in politology, people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary,” Peskov said on CNN Sunday.
There’s been no response from the Clinton team over the allegations.
Meanwhile, on the future relationship between the U.S. and Russia, Peskov said President Putin’s initial contact with President Trump was “quite promising”, but Moscow was increasingly disappointed with the communications from the White House. The two leaders will both be at the G20 Summit in Hamburg in July.
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BREAKING: Chicago Police Refuse To Provide Protection For Obama For A Good Reason

Obama and his family were in Chicago over the weekend but it didn’t go quite as planned. The reason for the visit was to promote their $50 million book deal and to visit the site of the new Obama presidential library slated to be built this year. They were also planning to visit the Brookfield Zoo and a couple of other area attractions.
Instead they spent most of the weekend in a hotel after learning that the Chicago Police department refused to provide the necessary escorts and protection to keep them safe for their planned activities. With only a small contingent of Secret Service to rely on, they had to settle for having a pizza delivered and a short, unannounced walk on the Miracle Mile.

NEWS Navy SEALs Send POWERFUL Message to Trump, Leaving Obama FURIOUS

The humiliations just keep piling up for Barack Obama.
Perhaps he should have paid more attention to our brave men and women in uniform. Then, maybe he, too, would have won their praise and true loyalty.
Less than a month in office, and President Trump is already one of the most beloved commanders-in-chief in US history.
That was demonstrated yet again when a SEAL convoy was spotted driving on a highway in Kentucky flying a TRUMP FLAG!
Our military men and women NEVER did something like this for Obama.
Nor is this kind of outpouring of love and support for Trump by any means rare.
One US military man wrote on Twitter:
“A truck of Navy SEALS flying Trump flag is not ‘news.’ Nearly all operators–Seals, Green Berets, Force Recon–are Republican & LOVE Trump.”
Liberals can howl all they want, but they forget that it’s a GOOD thing for our military to feel love and loyalty toward their commander-in-chief.


The Obamas are the worst First Family in American history.
Barack Obama has admitted to doing drugs with his “Choom Gang” and is the worst President of all time. Michelle spends all her time ruining our kids’ school lunches and spending millions on vacations with her daughters. And the Obama kids are an embarrassment – going to drinking parties, and maybe even doing drugs in public.
They are shameful swindlers, wasting your tax dollars on their comfort and profligacy.
But now, a story is going viral that claims the most outrageous waste of taxpayer money by the Obama family.
First Grandma Marian Robinson, 79, will receive a lifetime 160K government pension when she leaves the White House next year, according to congressional budget statements.
According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Mrs. Robinson earned the lifetime pension for “services rendered as full-time/in-home caregiver” for granddaughters Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, during President Obama’s two terms in office.
Michelle Obama’s mom got to live like a queen in the White House, but they are going to pay her $160,000 every year for the rest of her life for babysitting her own granddaughters?
This is the kind of graft and corruption that happens in places like Iraq and North Korea. Michelle Obama’s mom didn’t earn a pension that’s THREE TIMES bigger than the average American family’s income.
It seems that just like Barack, the rest of the Obama’s never had real jobs, and instead of live high on the hog off the backs of regular taxpaying Americans.
Share this story with all your friends and family. We can’t let the Obamas get away with this!

Rapper Snoop Dogg Made SICK New Threat To Trump That Just Backfired On Him BIG TIME

Snoop’s hate for our Commander-in-Chief is no secret as he openly speaks out against Trump and threatens people associated with him. Now he’s gone directly to the source of his despise and with the typical arrogance of a Hollywood elite, he feels that it’s okay to incite violence and encourage assassination attempts on our president. However, he just learned the hard way that’s not acceptable.
Snoop Dogg’s days of making music videos may soon be over after what’s depicted in his most recent rap video. With a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a vintage revolver in his right hand, Snoop fires a shot off at a Donald Trump imposter named “Ronald Klump,” wearing clown makeup, to only further the disrespectful message, American Mirror reports. You don’t have to look too deep into the video to know what the rapper is saying and now Secret Service could be getting involved.
Racist Rapper Made SICK New Threat To Trump But It Just Blew Up In His Face BIG Time
The rapper has now landed himself on authorities’ watch list and could soon be getting a visit from them for promoting the president’s assassination and inciting violence. Others who view this video could easily be “inspired” to want to take the “winning” shot at Trump and forever go down in infamy as a martyr.
Never before has it been acceptable to call for the killing of our Commander-in-Chief as stars seem to believe it is now, who also don’t feel there is a consequence to their criminal actions. What’s particularly dangerous, is that liberals are crazy enough to be motivated by these videos. Now, it’s time to send a new message to all of these degenerates that the rhetoric needs to stop or you can expect a knock at your door from Secret Service who very much take this as an actionable threat at can hold people accountable for it.
Racist Rapper Made SICK New Threat To Trump But It Just Blew Up In His Face BIG Time

WOW: Look At What Ivanka's Looks Are Inspiring Women All Over The Country To Do

Women are flocking to plastic surgeons and undergoing procedures to copy the look of Ivanka Trump. From The Daily Star: The 35-year-old's popularity is soaring in the communist country as businesses cash in on the blonde's trademark name. And the country's women are flocking to copy Ivanka's striking model looks. It comes after Daily Star Online revealed Ivanka was the First Daughter everyone wants to look like.
Women in America admitted to spending as much as $90,000 for cosmetic surgery to get the so-called Ivanka look. Li Yunxing, from Foshan Yiwanka Medical Management, said young women are lusting over Ivanka's features. She said: "Young women here want Ivanka’s big eyes, her pretty nose and lips and her flawless figure. “Her facial features, disposition and appearance are perfect, no matter whether they are judged by the beauty standards of the East or West.” Its name, registered before the election, is the Chinese translation of Ivanka. The latest cosmetic surgery boom comes as businesses in the country pile in on the "Ivanka effect". Companies have been applying to register under the name Yiwanka, with the vast range of products including underwear and sanitary towels. More than 250 businesses have lodged bids for "Ivanka" trademarks since dad Donald won the election in November last year. Melania on the other hand was quick to clamp down on companies using her name to make cash. Pictures of the First Lady popped up on a slurry of products in her native Slovenia after her husband's election, from pots of jam to shoes and lingerie. A huge billboard sporting a huge picture of her face appeared in her small hometown as businesses hoped the area's new fame would boost tourism. But her lawyer issued a warning to locals, saying the words Trump, Melania and Melania Trump are all protected trademarks.

It's Official! Pelosi Has Just Been Exposed

House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, who famously said in 2010 that Congress needed to pass the Obamacare Bill so that we could "see what was inside" has now said that Congress must learn every detail of the new GOP Bill before it is passed. reported: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is calling on Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan to make sure Congress knows all the details of the new health care bill before it goes up for votes. But many are pointing back to the famous 2010 quote from then-Speaker Pelosi, which came when Barack Obama was trying to pass what would become known as ObamaCare. "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what's in it," Pelosi said in March 2010. How about now? In her letter last week, Pelosi declared that the American people and members of Congress "have a right to know the full impact of this legislation before any vote in Committee or by the whole House." The turnabout was not lost on many political observers...

BREAKING: Trump Just BLINDSIDED The Supreme Court…Every Conservative Is CHEERING!

They don’t call it the “9th Circus” for nothing. The infamous 9th Circuit Court’s insane decisions are the stuff of liberal loony legend — and conservative nightmares

However, its ruling against Trump’s executive order on immigration is now widely considered its craziest ever.
Experts have argued since the ruling came down that it is a piece of political grandstanding rather than a serious judicial decision. The Constitution clearly grants the President the authority to determine who can and cannot enter the United States.
However, its ruling against Trump’s executive order on immigration is now widely considered its craziest ever.
Experts have argued since the ruling came down that it is a piece of political grandstanding rather than a serious judicial decision. The Constitution clearly grants the President the authority to determine who can and cannot enter the United States.

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