TRUMP WINS: Right After Comey “Secret Letter” Was Leaked, Trump Just Fired Back With His Secret Weapon

These last few days have been very tough on President Donald Trump. The media has been working overtime to try and spin a nothing into something and get him impeached.
Today, a new memo allegedly from James Comey’s dinner with President Trump was leaked to the press by FBI agents. According to the memo, Trump asked former Director Comey to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn and Russia.
In theory, this could be a “smoking gun” to impeach Trump on obstruction of justice…If it were the Truth.

Donald Trump decided to set the record straight by releasing his own official statement:

“The President has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the President and Mr. Comey.”

That’s right. Trump’s secret weapon is the TRUTH.
And to prove their point even more, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified just last week to Congress that, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”
The sad part here is that the New York Times, who concocted these allegations, admitted that they never actually saw the memo that they were writing about. They claimed it was “unclassified”, but they still only got word-of-mouth confirmation from an unnamed source. Hmmmm….

Look, if these claims were true, it would be a big deal. However, this is the United States of America where we believe you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
With no hard evidence, like this handwritten memo from James Comey for instance, there is no case here. We gotta share this out before the media’s brainwashing of the American people is complete.

Carl Vinson (CVN 70) Strike Group shows up in Republic of Korea!

American aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) is set to arrive in South Korea today to join in joint exercises with the Republic of Korea armed forces, U.S. officials told USNI News on Tuesday.

The carrier and its strike group will be part of the bilateral Operation Foal Eagle and Key Resolve 2017 exercise series that train for potential conflict with North Korea.
Carl Vinson’s presence is another tangible example of how the ROK – U.S. Alliance continues to enhance interoperability and key capabilities to ensure security and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the region,” commander U.S. Forces Korea Army Gen. Brooks said in a Monday statement from the carrier.
“Seeing the crew in action and how the U.S. Navy conducts their operations while underway is always impressive.”


Hairstyles are considered as a very important aspect of ones personality. But in case of females, hair styles are so much significant that they add a real life glance to girls personality.
Girls do not ignore this aspect of their personality and tries to be as up to dated as they like. They often keeps the hairstyle that is trending worldwide or looks good and stylish.
Below we will discuss the top ten hairstyles for women in 2016. After reading this article girls will find it very revealing to them.


Crown Braid is the hair style based on historical crown which the royal ladies and princesses wear. This is often kept by most of the Hollywood and real life celebrities. Because this is not a formal stylish hair looks. It is a celebrity look. This can be kept in several ways. A lot of designers have a lot of different ways of making it. It feels very difficult to maintain this hair style but it isn’t. It is a very simple outlook.


Waterfall make its way in the 9th position. It is because it is very popular among the young girls. It is considered as the most simple and sophisticated hair style for women all over the world and often is adopted. This hair style gives the women a good look and increases her personality among the public. But this hairstyle has a exception that it can only be kept by those girls who has strong and long hairs.


This hairstyle is a very difficult hairstyle to be kept . This hairstyle is often kept by female celebrities all over the world because they has self hired fashion designers. It is a very costly outlook as it looks like it. There are a lot of ways to adjured this hairstyle among the girls. And the most characteristic thing about this hairstyle is that it is elegant and have a sizzling look. It is famous among the youth as it has a cool look.


This hairstyle came into being when the models walk on the ramp by keeping it. Wavy hairstyles are of great demand among the girls all over the world. And often is taken by young girls because it is simple and have a very beautiful look. These curly hairs gave the personality of a women a glance and made them very attractive. One of the most unique things about this hairstyle is that it can be kept in all seasons.


This is the oldest hairstyle in the world. And it always has been in the fashion among the women in the world. It is the most simple and easy to keep hairstyle in the world. This one is not only famous among the ordinary girls but also for the celebrities in the world. It gives the girls a charming and beautiful outlook and made their personality desirable. This haircut is very famous and can be kept in all seasons. But it is for those who had long hairs.


Foxy Fishtail Baird is another hairstyle that makes it way to the top ten list in the worlds. As the name shows that the outlook of this hairstyle is fish like. In the bottom the hair looks like the tail of a fish. It is a very trendy look and often is kept by those girls who wants to be look like a celebrity and stylish. If one wants to look like a hollywood actress and celebrity she must keep this outlook.


This is also one of the oldest hairstyles in the world. It was adopted by most of the princesses in the history because it gives an extraordinary look to women. It gives one a remarkable look and makes the personality of the individual more admiring and beautiful. IT makes to the list because of the popularity of this hairstyle among the youth.


This hairstyle is very interesting and had a very rough outlook. It is often adopted by the hollywood actresses and celebrities. This hairstyle is often kept by those who like to be simple in real life and do not wan to be very fashionable. Most of the girls in Europe loves this outlook. This can be done in different ways. This can be long and also for short hairs.


One of the most decent and most beautiful hairstyle in the world. Low side Pony Hairstyle is often adopted by girls in summer as it increases the admiring and amazing personality of a woman. Hollywwod divas loves to keep this hairstyle. This is a very glamorous outlook and looks very good on almost every shape of hair.


The simplest and most widely used hairstyles in the world. Long wavy haircut is not only famous among the Hollywood female celebrities but also is equally famous among the ordinary people of the world. Most of the girls keep this hairstyle in festivals and events and same for the celebrities. It makes oneself more adorable and memorable than the other hairstyles in this list.

BREAKING: Japan Issues Huge Warning To US

Shinzo Abe, the Japanese Prime Minister has just issued a warning to US President Donald Trump saying that “North Korea already has a capability to put sarin on warheads to strike the ground.” 
As the Japanese vessels moved in to join the US super carriers during their positioning around the Korean peninsula, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo issued his warning. In the meanwhile, Trump urged China to take the lead in dealing with North Korea as they are the most capable of putting an economic pressure on the isolated nation.
As of right now, the peninsula is surrounded by Navy blockade all with the goal to deter the despotic regime from launching an attack against Japan or South Korea. Think about it, if we were still under the reign of the Democrats, we would have never seen these actions.
And despite what leftists say is the best, a deterrence is the best and only hope as the proximity of the three nations ensures that any type of attack from North Korea would be difficult to prevent and would eventually end up with devastating consequences.

The reason why Japan fears the worst from this rogue nation so much is because they suspect the war-crazed North Korea to have a stockpile of chemical and nuclear weapons, as they are one of the few countries that refuse to sign the convention against chemical weapons, an action which would have been taken if President Trump was in office eight years ago.
According to claims from North Korea, they seem to have developed intercontinental ballistic missiles but this has not been verified. What has been verified is that the country possesses several conventional rockets capable of striking South Korea and Japan.
Share this article to spread the word dear patriots, because this is the time that our allies need the most of our support. If North Korea and it’s war-crazed Kim Jong-un can’t settle down, they will have to be put down.

Rev. Franklin Graham Tells Anti-Trump Crowd to “Get Over It”

In a viral Facebook message posted Tuesday, the Rev. Franklin Graham had a three-word message for Trump haters across America: “Get over it!”
Graham posted the message after a week in which the mainstream media and the left continued to pound Trump, even as revelations emerged about former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice that seemed to vindicate the president’s claims about surveillance.
“Get over it!” Graham wrote. “The election was 5 months ago and some just won’t let it go.
“At first the media blamed WikiLeaks, then they blamed FBI Director Comey, then they blamed the Russians — even though all the intelligence services have said the Russians didn’t affect the outcome of the election,” he continued.
Graham also wrote that if Democrats want to look at election influence, they should probably turn their eyes away from Russia.
“If you really want to look at those who tried to influence the election, you need to start with CNN, CBS, ABC News, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, The New York Times, Washington Post, George Soros, Hollywood — they all tried to influence the outcome of the election, one way or the other,” he wrote.
Paid Content:
“It’s time to move on. Get over it.
“Politicians who I respect like Sen. Lindsey Graham, Sen. John McCain, and some other Republicans need to stop looking backward and get behind the president as he tries to lead our country out of the deep hole that Washington politicians have created for us.”
Graham implored the lawmakers to start working with the president to get things done.
“President Donald J. Trump can’t do this on his own,” Graham said. “Work together to fix our broken healthcare system, to rebuild our depleted military, to secure our borders, and to overhaul our tax code which is so complicated that even the senators and congressmen have to have outside help to do their taxes!
“It’s time to get over the Russians — and move America forward!” he concluded. “With your prayers and God’s help, that can happen.”
Graham’s message was liked over 130,000 times and shared another 42,000 times in just 17 hours. Pretty impressive stuff, and something that ought to send a message to our legislators in Washington.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree with what Franklin Graham had to say.
What do you think about what Rev. Graham had to say? Scroll down to comment below!

Trump’s Far-Right Supporters Turn on Him Over Syria Strike

Some of President Trump’s most ardent campaign supporters were among his most vocal opponents on Thursday after he ordered the missile strike against Syria, charging him with breaking his promise to keep the United States out of another conflict in the Middle East.
Prominent writers and bloggers on the far right attacked Mr. Trump. They accused him of turning against his voters by waging an attack that he had for years said would be a terrible idea. They also criticized him for launching the strike without first seeking congressional approval — something he said on Twitter in 2013 would be a “big mistake.”
The most vocal in their outrage were leaders from the small but influential white nationalist movement.
Paul Joseph Watson, an editor at the conspiracy theorist site Infowars, said on Twitter that Trump “was just another deep state/neocon puppet.” He added, “I’m officially OFF the Trump train.”
Richard Spencer, a far-right activist and white nationalist who coined the term “alt-right,” said he condemned the attack and hinted at supporting another presidential candidate in 2020: Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a Democrat. Ms. Gabbard met with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria in January and on Thursday criticized the missile strike as shortsighted and reckless.
For some on the far right, particularly those who are pro-Russia, Mr. Trump’s strike crossed a line. But others praised the president for his quick military decision, which came three days after the Syrian government’s deadly chemical weapons attack on its own people, including children.
Laura Ingraham, a conservative commentator, noted that the strike brought together three frequent critics of the president — the Republican senators Marco Rubio of Florida and John McCain of Arizona, as well as his Democratic opponent last fall, Hillary Clinton.
The radio host Hugh Hewitt said the missile launch was “justice for these children.” Mark Levin, another conservative host, agreed. “We’re proud of you,” he said of the president.
The schism among the president’s far-right supporters had been building since Mr. Trump said his attitude toward Syria had “changed very much” after the chemical weapons attack. His comments signaled a discernible shift in White House policy, and from his stance during the presidential campaign.
Some of those supporters claimed, without evidence, that the chemical weapons attack was a hoax carried out by the “deep state” — what they believe to be a nebulous network of military officials working behind the scenes — to drag the United States into war. Scott Adams, the cartoonist who created Dilbert, wrote on his website on Thursday before the missile strike that the chemical weapons attack was a “manufactured event.”
A few hours before the missile strike, the far-right blogger Mike Cernovich warned his followers in a live video that the United States was going to attack Syria. “Remind Trump who supported him,” he told his viewers. “We got to stop him.”

Russia and Iran Condemn U.S. Strikes in Syria

MOSCOW — Russia reacted harshly on Friday to the American strike against Syria, maintaining its view that its ally, President Bashar al-Assad, had not bombed his own people with chemical weapons and saying that the United States’ operation would further corrode already dismal relations between Moscow and Washington.
Iran, Russia’s main ally in the region in buttressing Mr. Assad, also condemned the American attack, which left six people dead, according to the Syrian Army. Speaking on state television, a spokesman for the Syrian Army described the missile strikes as an act of “flagrant aggression.”
The United States’ allies in Europe and the Middle East were supportive, but Dmitri S. Peskov, the spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin, said the strikes represented a “significant blow” to American-Russian ties.
Mr. Putin considered that the attack was a breach of international law and had been made under a false pretext, Mr. Peskov said. Moscow also called on the United Nations Security Council to convene an emergency meeting, and the Russian Foreign Ministry said it was freezing an agreement with the United States to coordinate air operations over Syria.
“The Syrian Army has no chemical weapons at his disposal,” Mr. Peskov said, contradicting the position of the Trump administration and much of the international community, which has largely insisted that the Syrian military was responsible for the attack in Idlib Province this week.
The cruise missile strikes on an airfield in Al Shayrat on Friday, which were aimed at Syrian fighter jets and other infrastructure, also ignored the fact that “terrorists” had also used chemical weapons, Mr. Peskov said, without naming specific instances.
A correspondent on the ground in Syria for Rossiya 24, the main Russian state-run satellite news channel, filed video from the air base. The damage included nine airplanes destroyed and shrapnel littering the runway, the reporter said. He also posted a picture on his Instagram account of at least one warplane that he said had not been damaged.
The assault on Tuesday on the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun killed more than 80 people and sickened hundreds more. Turkey said on Thursday that sarin, a banned nerve agent, had been used in the attack, one of the worst atrocities of the Syrian war.
Bahram Ghasemi, a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said in a statement that his government condemned the American missile strikes, adding that they would lead to “the strengthening of failing terrorists” and complicate the situation in the region.
Mr. Ghasemi noted that Iran, as a major victim of chemical weapons attacks during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, condemned their use anywhere. But, he added, the accusations against Syria were as yet unproved.
In terms of the United States action, the statement said, Tehran “regards this unilateral measure as dangerous, destructive and a violation of international law.”
The British defense secretary, Michael Fallon, expressed support for the American missile strikes. “One of the purposes of this very limited and appropriate action was to deter the regime from using gas in this appalling way,” he told the BBC.
In a joint statement, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President François Hollande of France said that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, “bears sole responsibility.”
A spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Ibrahim Kalin, said the American strikes had been a positive response to what he said were “war crimes” in Syria, where the six-year civil war has led to nearly 400,000 deaths and created a refugee crisis as millions sought to flee. Mr. Kalin also repeated Turkey’s call to immediately set up and enforce a no-fly zone to create safe areas in Syria for those fleeing the violence.
The American strikes were also praised by Israel and by Saudi Arabia, two crucial allies of the United States in the Middle East. In a statement carried by the state news agency SPA, a Saudi Arabian official called the strikes a “courageous decision” by President Trump. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said he hoped the action would “resonate not only in Damascus, but in Tehran, Pyongyang and elsewhere.”
Mr. Peskov gave no clear indication of how Russia, which the United States said had been given advance warning of the attack, might respond, and analysts suggested that the Kremlin had few options.
Russia could treat the strikes as a one-time incident, limiting its response to criticizing the American aggression and thus conceding a revitalized American influence in the region. It could also try to confront the Americans more directly, but that would have unpredictable consequences.
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Moscow on Wednesday. CreditAleksey Nikolskyi/Kremlin, via Reuters
“There will be many screams on the Russian television with people condemning the strikes, but everybody understands that this is just a symbolic act meant for Trump to look different from Obama,” Vladimir Frolov, a foreign affairs analyst, said in an interview. “There won’t be any tangible reaction, this was a one-off strike.”
Others suggested the lack of a Russian military reaction on the ground in Syria pointed to a realistic approach.
“Its initial response was to huff and puff and call it unprovoked aggression, of course; it could do nothing less,” Mark Galeotti, an expert on the Russian military, wrote in an online commentary. He noted that Russia’s state-of-the-art air defense system, which had been deployed to Syria with great fanfare, was apparently not employed during the American attack.

The Russians might wait to formulate a response until Tuesday, when Rex W. Tillerson, an old friend of the Kremlin, will make
 his first visit to Russia as the American secretary of state.“Moscow might not like Washington’s response, but nor was it willing to stand in the way of it,” he said. “That is a heartening sign of realism.”
Mr. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said that the American attack would do nothing to advance the fight against international terrorism, which he called a priority for Mr. Putin and which he noted had also been a main pledge of the Trump campaign.
“Most important, from Putin’s point of view, this move doesn’t bring us closer to the end goal in a fight against international terrorism,” Mr. Peskov said. “On the contrary, this creates a serious obstacle for the building of an international coalition to fight it and to effectively resist this universal evil.”
Mr. Putin dispatched the Russian Army to Syria, which has long been Russia’s main ally in the Middle East, in September 2015 with the stated goal of fighting terrorism, although the main purpose of the deployment was to shore up President Bashar al-Assad, whose rule was faltering.
Other officials were quick to compare the cruise missile attack to other American interventions, including those in the Middle East and elsewhere, that had ended poorly.
The Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, compared the attack to the American invasion of Iraq. “This is reminiscent of the 2003 situation, when the United States and the United Kingdom, along with their allies, invaded Iraq without the U.N. Security Council’s consent,” Mr. Lavrov said on Friday at a news conference after a meeting in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, between foreign ministers of the former Soviet states.
The question of whether the United States invaded Iraq without the approval of the Security Council has long been a matter of debate. Washington has asserted that previous resolutions gave it the authority to take action, but critics argue that it needed explicit United Nations approval.
Russia has repeatedly defended Syria against the accusation that Damascus has used chemical weapons, in this case claiming that the government strike had actually hit a chemical weapons warehouse controlled by insurgents, a version of events that has been widely dismissed by the West.
Mr. Peskov asserted that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons had declared Syria to be free of chemical weapons, although that is not quite true.
In an initial April 4 statement after the attack on Tuesday, the organization issued a statement saying it was seriously concerned about the allegations and wanted to gather more information before coming to a judgment.
“The O.P.C.W. strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere and under any circumstances,” Mr. Peskov said.
Mr. Peskov claimed that the United States had launched its attack to distract attention from the high number of civilian casualties caused by a recent American airstrike in Mosul, Iraq.
Not all Russian commentators supported Moscow’s position. Konstantin von Eggert, an independent political analyst, in a commentary before the attack had been launched, said the Kremlin had only made itself look worse in the eyes of the world with its defense of Mr. Assad after the chemical attack.
Even if the theory that the deaths had been caused by a Syrian government attack on a chemical weapons depot were true, he wrote, no experienced officer would order such an action given the likely consequences.
“No one believed the Russian version of events,” he wrote on the Russian language website of Deutsche Welle, Germany’s public broadcaster.

Dozens of U.S. Missiles Hit Air Base in Syria


WASHINGTON — President Trump said Thursday night that the United States had carried out a missile strike in Syria in response to the Syrian government’s chemical weapons attack this week, which killed more than 80 civilians.
“Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike on the air base in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched,” Mr. Trump said in remarks at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. “It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.”
Mr. Trump — who was accompanied by senior advisers, including Stephen K. Bannon, his chief strategist; Reince Priebus, his chief of staff; his daughter Ivanka Trump; and others — said his decision had been prompted in part by what he called the failures by the world community to respond effectively to the Syrian civil war.
“Years of previous attempts at changing Assad’s behavior have all failed, and failed very dramatically,” the president said, referring to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. “As a result, the refugee crisis continues to deepen, and the region continues to destabilize, threatening the United States and its allies.”
Continue reading the main story
The Pentagon announced that 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles had been fired at Al Shayrat airfield in Syria. The missiles were aimed at Syrian fighter jets, hardened aircraft shelters, radar equipment, ammunition bunkers, sites for storing fuel and air defense systems.


Hassan Youssef, 40, a victim of Tuesday’s chemical weapons attack in northern Syria, was in a hospital Thursday in the city of Idlib. The United States launched a missile attack Thursday night in response to the Syrian government’s use of such weapons on civilians. CreditOmar Haj Kadour/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Dmitri S. Peskov, a spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, told reporters Friday morning that the strike “deals a significant blow to relations between Russia and America, which are already in a poor state,” according to the news agency RIA.
Mr. Peskov said the strike did nothing to combat international terrorism. “On the contrary, this creates a serious obstacle for building of an international coalition to fight it and to effectively resist this universal evil,” he said. Fighting terrorism was Mr. Putin’s stated goal when he dispatched the Russian military to Syria in September 2015, though its main effect has been to shore up Mr. Assad.
Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said Russian forces had been notified in advance of the strike. “Military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield,” he said. No Russian aircraft were at the base, military officials said.
“We are assessing the results of the strike,” Captain Davis added. “Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat airfield, reducing the Syrian government’s ability to deliver chemical weapons.”
The cruise missiles struck the airfield beginning around 8:40 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, and the strikes continued for three to four minutes.

Al Shayratairfield
Imagery ©2017 CNES / Astrium, Cnes/Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, Landsat / Copernicus
500 m


According to Captain Davis, the missiles were fired from the destroyers Porter and Ross in the eastern Mediterranean.
Talal Barazi, the governor of Homs Province, where the base sits, told Reuters early Friday that ambulances and fire trucks were scrambling to respond to fires there.
Administration officials described the strikes Mr. Trump ordered as a graphic message to the world that the president was no longer willing to stand idly by as Mr. Assad used horrific weapons in his country’s long civil war. To do otherwise, they said, would be to essentially bless the use of chemical weapons by Mr. Assad and others who might use them.
“This clearly indicates the president is willing to take decisive action when called for,” Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson told reporters in Florida. He said Mr. Trump had concluded after seeing the results of the chemical attack that the United States could no longer “turn away, turn a blind eye.”
“The more we fail to respond to the use of these weapons, the more we begin to normalize their use,” Mr. Tillerson said, a thinly veiled reference to President Barack Obama’s decision to refrain from strikes in 2013.

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